Monday, August 21, 2017

Dream Dinners Pearland

My friend Tracie won a girls night out raffle to Dream Dinners Pearland and she was able to invite 9 of her friends to come along.  We each got to make one free meal and they even made appetizers for us!  We were offered a special when we got there to make an additional 3 meals (9 servings) for $34.99.  I was hesitant since they don't have vegetarian/vegan options, but who am I kidding, I haven't been strict on my diet since my cruise. LOL.

The event started at 6 PM and I rushed over there from work and made it just in time.  They had little cubbies for everyone to put there stuff in, so it's not just sitting on the table or floor.  They also provided aprons for us so we wouldn't get our clothes dirty.  They really have thought of everything!

I loved the entire concept.  I love doing my weekly meal planning and prep to have food during the week, but the cleanup isn't always fun, but at Dream Dinners, they lay everything out for you and clean it up too.  All you have to do is put things in bags and go.  You freeze it when you get home and thaw it out the morning you want to use it.

If you choose to utilize their service, you get 36 servings of food each month.  You can choose the 3 servings option, or the 6 servings (12 meals or 6 meals), depending on which works for your family.  You can also choose 12 (or 6) different meals, or a few of this one, a few of that one.  I love that you get the choice because you know your family likes this ingredient but won't touch this other one.  It's flexible!

Like I mentioned, we got one free meal and could buy the 3 additional meals if we chose to. I bought the package and made 4 meals (12 servings):  Canadian Bacon Stuffed French Bread, Southwest Pork Carnita Wraps, Orange Asian Chicken, and Limoncello Shrimp with Coconut Rice.

Each station has a recipe with the ingredients and directions laid out for you as to what you put in the bag.  They also give you an actual recipe card that you attach to the bag or put inside the bag so you will know what to do when you get home. Even the scoops they use are the correct measurements, so you don't have to do much guess work.  The process was soooooooo simple and fun.

After you get done with each meal, you put your food in the freezer cubbie that has your name on it, so you know what food is yours and there is no mix-up and your food isn't just sitting out until you are ready to go.  Genius!

The price is for main dishes only, so you have to make the sides OR you can buy something out of the freezer section to make it that much easier.

I only wish that they had vegetarian/vegan options and options for us single folks.  36 meals is a lot for one person, even if you can choose multiple meals.  They did say that there is not contract so I can come every other month or however often I feel like coming.  I feel that even if they did have meat free options, there would only be one or two options, making me eat the same things for 36 meals.  I'm not really into that, so I didn't sign up for more.

I really think it's a great option for people who are busy, but for me, it was way too much food and I couldn't justify the expense when I don't eat those meals that often.

We were at the Pearland location, but there is one in Bellaire and also Missouri City.

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