Friday, May 13, 2016

Why I Went Plant Based

I mentioned a few posts ago that I went plant based with my diet recently and I love it!  I have lost a bit of weight, my mood is stable, I feel better, I have more energy, etc.  I thought I would see some benefits but not as many as I have had!

I started a whole foods, plant based blog over at But…What About Protein?  I want to keep this blog for my travel, bucket list, and other random things that I write about here so there won’t be too much plant based journey stuff here.  BUT, check out my new blog if you are interested in yummy recipes that are good for you and full of veggies.
My new blog header! Blog in progress. 

Don’t worry, I will NEVER become one of those crazy vegan people who throw blood on peoples fur coats or other fabrics. I don’t ever want to be one of those people.  Who has the right to destroy other people’s stuff?

I have always said “I’m not a good cook” because I have literally given myself food poisoning multiple times.  But I was thinking, I don’t want to say “I can’t” in life a lot.  There is a difference between saying “I’m not very good at XYZ but I am trying my hardest to get better” and “I suck at cooking so I will just eat out. Haha.”    Because I have said the latter statement too many times to count.  I know that there will be things that I don’t know how to do or that I might not be good at, but I can take steps to make it better if I choose to.  (Some things I’m not very good at and have no interest in getting better at).

I have been cooking more of my own food lately and I have been enjoying it.  I downloaded the free app called PodCast Addict and listen to podcasts while cooking (and while on my commute each morning).  There are free podcasts on almost any subject you want to hear about (both plant based and not). 

I listen to these podcasts:
Meal Mentor (interview based on whole foods, plant based meals and living)
Tim Ferriss Show (various interviews with celebrities, business people and other random people.  There are 3 I recommend so far:  Jamie Foxx, Jocko the Navy Seal and Derek Sievers)
Pioneering Today (how to homestead and do things around the house)-her voice and annoying an annoying valley girl voice though plus she says “umm” a lot.
Jocko Podcast (I downloaded a few episodes but I haven’t listened to it yet.  His interview as amazing when I heard him on the Tim Ferris podcast.  He has a leadership business so I downloaded it)
Food For Thought (interview format on random food related topics)
No Meat Athlete (various running/vegan related topics are discussed with occasional interviews)
Smart Passive Income (If you are interested in starting an online website/business/blog, check it out)
The Modern Homesteading (about homesteading topics)

If you are interested in trying out a Plant Based diet, let me know OR you can watch “Forks Over Knives” (available for free on Netflix).  I am happy to answer questions if I know the answer! :)

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